Privacy Notice
Lifted Therapy holds a strict privacy policy for the therapy services that we offer. To ensure that we are able to provide psychological assessment and treatment in a safe and professional manner, we will need to gather personal information from each individual who is being supported by us. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in place to ensure that personal information is protected. We are committed to safeguarding any personal information you share with us and ensure that it is protected against any misuse.
When you contact Lifted Therapy by telephone, email or using the contact/booking form on our website, we will kindly ask further questions to ensure that we have all the relevant information about you. This is so that we can contact you to discuss support and/or book you in for an appointment. We will also keep your information safe in case we need to contact your GP or another health professional whilst you are having support from us.
What information will I need to provide?
We will ask for:
- Your full name
- Your date of birth and your gender identity
- The name and contact details of your GP surgery
- Your contact details – including your email address, telephone number, and address
- If you are using a private medical insurance we will need certain details
During your treatment sessions and any subsequent appointments we may ask about:
- Your presenting problem, including asking you to complete questionnaire(s)
- Any prescribed medication that you take
- Any identified long-term health conditions (for example asthma or heart conditions)
- Any relevant background information/history
- Your current social circumstances such any social support
- Your goals for therapy and what you hope to focus on
We will sign a therapy agreement with you.
How will Lifted Therapy use the information I provide?
Any information that you share with Lifted Therapy will be kept confidential and stored in a secure system (a password-protected database based in the United Kingdom). The information you provide us will help us ensure that you receive the best possible service. Occasionally, we may need to liaise with others involved in your care, for example your GP or specialist medical teams. We will only provide information to a third party if you provide consent for us to do this. The only exception to this is where we have concerns about your safety or risk to yourself or others which requires an urgent response to uphold our professional obligations for duty of care, safeguarding or to report a criminal offence which is in the public interest.
There are some situations where we may be legally required to share personal data with regard to legal proceedings and obligations, or a government authority.
In order to comply with our professional governing bodies (BABCP), all therapists under Lifted Therapy undergo clinical supervision with a qualified and accredited psychological therapist, where we discuss clinical issues in a confidential environment – in these situations, personal information is anonymised.
How is my information stored?
All personal information and notes are stored securely and in compliance with GDPR legislation. All electronic notes and information are stored in a password-protected database with restricted access. All paper notes and information are kept filed and stored in a locked cabinet when not in use, with restricted access.
In accordance with guidelines for record-keeping, your notes and information will be kept for the duration that you are a patient with Lifted Therapy. Afterwards, they are kept for a period of seven years. If you are not comfortable with this, you have certain rights – please refer to your rights under the GDPR legislation. Any notes that are over seven years old will be destroyed as confidential waste.
What are my rights to accessing my information?
You have the right to access information that Lifted Therapy holds about you. If you wish to access the information you can request this by contacting the Clinical Director at Lifted Therapy by email. Please be aware that we may ask for proof of identity. All information will only be provided as a hard copy and there will be an administration fee for supplying the information of £10.