
World Asthma Day and wellbeing

There are a range of different respiratory conditions including Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Vocal Cord Dysfunction but lots of us don’t know how these health conditions can impact our emotional wellbeing. This World Asthma Day, we’re going...

What happens in my first therapy session?

When you first start therapy, you can often feel anxious, overwhelmed, and nervous and it’s normal to feel this way especially as you might not know what to expect. We know that sometimes when we feel this way we might become tearful, and this can be because we know...

Our new face-to-face clinic

Our new clinic space We are extremely excited to announce that we have a new home on Monday and Tuesday (morning and afternoon) and Saturdays (morning only) in Odiham, Hampshire. We will be running our clinic at the local Odiham Cottage Hospital which is surrounded by...

Am I experiencing burnout?

What is burnout and how can we cope with it? What is burnout? Burnout occurs when we feel emotionally and mentally exhausted due to prolonged stress. It can lead to us feeling a loss of motivation and interest and we might find it is more difficult to complete tasks...

Our digestive system and mental health

How is our gut related to our mental health? Many people who experience anxiety and stress also experience digestive and gut problems. This can include stomach pain, loss of appetite and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Our mind and bodies are linked together. If you...

Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month and it’s a very important topic and there is no better time to discuss it! Have you been noticing that your stress levels have been creeping up? We can feel stressed because of: Public speaking or giving a presentation at work Managing...

Finding an accredited therapist…. what does that mean?

If you’re searching for a private therapist, you might be a little stuck about who to seek support from and what support might be helpful for you. There are lots of choices out there (and lots of information online!) which can be helpful but how do we decide which...

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy?

What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is most known as CBT, is a talking therapy developed by Aaron Beck which was initially developed to help those experiencing symptoms of depression. However, over the years research has shown...

February is Heart Awareness Month

February is often known as “heart month” and not just for Valentine’s Day. The British Heart Foundation uses February specifically as a month to raise awareness of heart conditions and the important role our heart has in keeping us happy and healthy. It is estimated...